The Intentional Creativity Foundation  is a place
where friendships lead to powerful collaboration
and creativity is ignited and encouraged!

Our international team is sourced from our
Guild of Art Educators – artists and creatives with a desire to bring
the transformational power of self-expression
through Intentional Creativity across the globe!

Meet Our Founders...

Our Founders, Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud, are a wife and husband duo who have chosen to work together in business and in life, offering online art education, managing a retail gallery space in Sonoma, California, as well as hosting travel and cuisine experiences. Together the two founded Mothership Inc. in 2016 and the Intentional Creativity Foundation in 2017, a 501c3. MUSEA is the over-arching brand for their collective projects and communities.

Shiloh Sophia Team Card

Shiloh Sophia lives life as a great adventure narrated by the creative fire of her Muse! She has dedicated her life to the belief that self-expression is a basic human right and shares her message with thousands around the world.

Through her paintings, poetry, and teachings she leads a global movement of revolutionary education focused in Intentional Creativity® serving tens of thousands of women for over 25 years. Her work is offered in the Color of Woman Teacher Training, Motherboard Coaching and Red Thread Guide for those who are a part of the lineage. She co-founded MUSEA: Centers for Intentional Creativity® with locations around the world.

She lives in the Bay Area with her husband Jonathan, also a poet as well as a chef and wine-maker. Most mornings, she can be found having tea with her Muse, pouring over quantum physics, philosophy, and sacred texts in the Red Thread Cafe. In the afternoon she will be in her studio painting or at their little art gallery on the Sonoma Plaza called Musette. She is the published author of 5 books with 2 being published in 2020. Join us for a cuppa’ something good and a great conversation!

Jonathan McCloud Team Card

Jonathan McCloud is Musea’s President Emeritus, Resident Scholar, and Chef/Winemaker who is a poet and artist. He was born in a small West Virginia town and was built for adventure. He spent two tours jumping out of airplanes for the US Air Force and retired from service because of injuries. He found himself swept into the glamor and gastronomy of the food world and worked for top chefs around the world serving fine cuisine. He owned several restaurants as well as earned two advanced degrees with honors in business, as well as a Master of Arts.

After nearly 30 years of developing his career in hospitality, he changed his life path to take up life as an artist, photographer, and poet, as well as working for Burning Man, Couch Surfing, and more in the artistic, digital, and business startup realms.

He met Shiloh Sophia in 2012, and the two of them struck up a quantum conversation, resulting in a lifelong partnership and working together in business with Intentional Creativity through various technology platforms.

Described by his colleagues as an alchemist, Mr. McCloud co-founded the Intentional Creativity Foundation, prepares cuisine for participants around the world with his culinary genius, and creates intimate supper clubs and world-class wines in the famous Los Carneros wine region of Sonoma, CA.

Meet Our Executive Team...

Naa Kwarley Amissah is an Artist, Author, Educator, Coach, and Weaver of Wisdom…

Certified as an Intentional Creativity Teacher & Coach in 2013, as an Intentional Creativity Guide in 2021, and as an Intentional Creativity Guardian in 2024, Naa Kwarley has over 10 years of experience spreading the Intentional Creativity Approach through her offerings. She uses Intentional Creativity in her day-to-day living, infusing its principles in all that she endeavors to accomplish. As an author, Naa Kwarley published Dear Sister: A Book of Poetry and Conversation in 2014 – a book where poetry written by her friend and colleague was then used to offer the reader a short Intentional Creativity process lead by Naa Kwarley that they could do on their own. As a sur-thriver of domestic violence, Naa Kwarley was honored to have her publication endorsed by the leader of RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) upon its publication.

In 2022, Naa Kwarley took up the art of weaving on a table loom and quickly realized that with each pass of the shuttle through the warp, that she was intentionally infusing the cloth that she was creating with the wisdom that lies within. Weaving is her chosen meditative practice, and as such Naa Kwarley finds herself weaving knowledge divinely inspired by her Ancestors into the very fiber of her BE-ing. This includes the Wysdom Wraps, Traditions Totes, Sacred Scarves and other handwoven fabric adornments that manifest from Naa Kwarley's weaving adventures.

As the Executive Director for MUSEA Intentional Creativity Foundation, Naa Kwarley is dedicated to being in service to the organization, offering her 30+ years of technology expertise to the furtherance of the MUSEA Brand, both through strengthening MUSEA’s digital infrastructure as well as providing the best online experience for MUSEA’s members and community. She endeavors to help the organization’s teams continue the mission of MUSEA, including creating abundance significant enough to ensure sustainability for 500 years, as is the Founder’s vision.

*Please Note: "Naa Kwarley" is her first name, not simply "Naa".

Originally from Santa Barbara, CA, Stardust Unicorn Ashley Merritt and her mate, Marten, live with their feline family in the Great Pacific Northwest.

Ashley is a Certified MUSEA Intentional Creativity Teacher, Guardian, Red Thread Guide, Cura-in-Training, and Intentional Creativity Guild Member. She is the creator and founder of Stardust Unicorn Sanctuary and is profoundly grateful to have found unsurpassed healing and self-love through the Intentional Creativity method, path of practice, lineage, and community.

Ashley is life-long thespian who studied Meisner technique with JoAnna Beckson in NYC and is a Founding Member of the Jewel Box Theater in Hollywood, CA. Ashley is actively teaching her 'Paint Your Inner Unicorn (or Wild Thing!)' workshop and developing her SoulWork, 'The Stardust Unicorn Sanctuary' an online Intentional Creativity show for Unicorns & Wild Things of all ages that celebrates our own uniqueness unicorniness! The Sanctuary is one of kindness, inclusivity, equity, respect, tolerance, compassion, and LOVE, in the spirit of Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street, & Pee-Wee's Playhouse.

Stardust Unicorn Sanctuary LLC can be found at stardustunicornsanctuary.com, where you can see more of Stardust's Intentional Creativity paintings and learn more about the Sanctuary.

Ashley is so thankful for the gifts of Love and Consciousness and is delighted every day for the gift of presence here on Earth, where we are all living this preposterous existence, where every moment is a gift, and where we must all be kind to each other for we are all simply one race, the Human Race, and we need to unite to survive and thrive…

Blessings and LOVE to ALL.

With Love & Paint & Stardust!

Meet Our
Women of Color Circle Leadership…

Isabelle Guzman Stark is a positive spirited woman from South America. She is a minister of Spiritual
Science and has dedicated her life since 2000 with her mission being to support and assist the
restoration of the spiritual wellbeing of others. Isabelle is a holistic herbalist and enjoys growing her
medicinal herbs. She is a Women’s circle facilitator, a reiki master teacher, intuitive tarot reader and
empath. Isabelle is currently enrolled in the Color of Woman certification training class of 2024 at MUSEA and she is a student of IFA Yoruba African studies at Ifalobaorisa Temple. She currently lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.

I am a Mixed-Indigenous Artist (Dene, Cree, Metis x Scottish, Danish Canadian) born and raised in the northern village of Fort St. James, BC. My art integrates my mixed cultural heritage, and my upbringing in the north. The common inspiration running through all my work is a profound Love and Respect for land, nature and stories. With each piece, I describe awe, compassion and appreciation for ecosystems - how we and all Creation are connected; I often highlight a wisdom, feeling or insight from the ecosystem within these humble human bodies. Today, I am a practicing Artist + Therapist, with a home studio and ceremony lodge dedicated to person-centered wellness, ceremonial gatherings, trauma therapy, hypnotherapy and building resilience from SnuNeyMuxw territory, Vancouver Island. I regularly travel home to the north to share the gifts I've worked (and was supported) to achieve, helping to restore wellness in Fort St James and surrounding remote communities.

Meet Our
Global Working Group…

Sarah Mardell Team Card

Sarah Mardell is the keeper of many hats as a mother to 5 daughters and a visionary entrepreneur running a full time home-based business. Sarah’s business, which she co-founded with Melanie Bates, serves powerful women entrepreneurs who provide intuitive-based services, and include Artists, Coaches, Authors, Transformational Teachers and Thought Leaders. Sarah is the one who weaves the threads behind the scenes for the MUSEA suite of companies, along with her amazing team, to become a confidant, supporter and key player in the many intrinsic details required to build and maintain a thriving online business.

Sarah finds deep fulfillment serving on Shiloh’s team, and connecting with the Intentional Creativity community, working alongside women and men who value intuition over social norm in running their business and making life choices. As a mother to 5 daughters, it is her dream to raise daughters who feel liberated to make their own choices, break the societal rules of gender and follow their passion.

Inspired by the Beauty that surrounds us and the Beauty that is with in us, Kelly Beth Bonsall creates experiences that evoke playfulness and pleasure while also sparking transformation and curiosity. Kelly has been an art educator and creativity guide since 2008, teaching formal art technique and theory while mixing in intuitive creativity and mindfulness practices. Her experience ranges from school classrooms to paint & wine parties to Intentional Creativity® workshops and beyond, and within this range of approaches, there is always the common thread of loving kindness and joy.

In addition to earning a BA in Arts Education and Studio Art and a Teaching Credential, Kelly has also completed the Color of Woman Teacher Training and is a member of the Intentional Creativity Guild. Kelly is also a prolific working artist bringing the wonder and magic she cultivates in her life on to paper and canvas and out into the world. She has exhibited at Musea in Sonoma, CA, Studio 180 in Santa Rosa, CA, ArtSpace Gallery in Austin, TX and many more. As a member of the Intentional Creativity Foundation, The Art Society and the Austin Visual Arts Association, she finds deep value in being in community with other creatives.

Michelle LaForest-Roberts is a Color of Woman Intentional Creativity Teacher and a Red Thread Guide who lives in Maryland. She loves guiding women to be their authentic selves through writing prompts and imagery in mixed media workshops and circles. She is passionate about them claiming their renewed sense of self and accessing their true nature. Email: 

Anne Labrie Team Card

Anne LaBrie is a passionate energy healer, experienced visual artist and heart-centered Intentional Creativity teacher that combines all three disciplines into amazing transformative experiences for her clients and students.

She truly has the ability to migrate through dimensional space with her paintings and in her experience with coaching, social media, and graphic design.  Anne’s favorite word is ‘alignment’ because from that state of being, the flow of personal soul essence and joy is truly amazing.

Rosamaria Polidura

More about Cassandra coming soon

Rosamaría Polidura is the founder of Education as The Art of Hope and lives in Mexico City with her husband. She has been in a journey of discovering and learning the healing arts of psychotherapy, energy healing, coaching and facilitation for more than 20 years. She holds a PhD. in Gestalt Psychotherapy from which her Body of Work was born. Her mission is to create a culture of hope, connection, creation, and beauty; thus, the new generations of the world can evolve into their full genius and potential. She deeply believes that as women we have a deep calling to be the weavers of a new culture and the face of the planet can be changed forever. A teacher at her heart, finally she is fully embodying and sharing a new iteration of her Body of work through Intentional Creativity ®, as certified teacher, coach, and guide, as well as being part of the Co-curator team of MUSEA. She is the mother of two daughters and 4 rescued dogs.

Our Working Culture and Ethos...

Vivid Photo

MUSEA holds a vision for artists to grow and learn together in community over many years, to develop and show our work together, and to create experiences with one another while forging uncommon connections that transcend social divides. This vision permeates our entire working group.

We are all at different places on the path with our transformational work, yet there is a sense that if you are called here, you are a creative person looking to connect with other creative persons. For the past twenty years our organizational model has been rooted in projects that have a beginning, a middle, and an end, or an evolution into the next project. Not unlike a work of art, MUSEA’s projects change with the minds, hearts and hands of those who are present at the time of their initiation. Truly, our working group and the individuals that comprise it guide the direction of our programming and projects.

Our common thread is that we are artists who work with intention, honoring our unique beliefs, cultures, identities, and political positions. We do not seek to homogenize or stifle the brilliant creativity and prowess of our team. Over time we have learned to steward a colorful and spacious working group of creatives where many threads of creative contribution are celebrated and serve to catalyze us all.

Our intent as well as our actions flow from a commitment to human kindness and inclusivity for all people. We aim to carry this out to the best of our ability within any given project, with continual exploration of how to honor and respect all people involved.

We center projects that arise from the community’s creative imagination and desire and have leaders who are prepared to bring those projects forward. We also seek to provide a model where the projects inherently fund themselves so that there is a measure of sustainability and a lack of dependency on outside funding sources.

We connect with each other through the talisman of Red Thread, which is a symbol representing and acknowledging our innate interconnection and shared origin stories. From this place of acknowledgment and the invitation to truly belong, we work together with hearts and minds open and create a supportive environment where everyone feels free to ask questions, make mistakes, learn, grow, and shake this world up!